Gift and Loyalty Cards RA BankcardGift cards have become enormously popular among consumers. The cards offer customer convenience, because they can fit into a wallet just like a credit card, and flexibility, because customers can use them whenever they want. What do gift cards offer merchants? Brand awareness and extra foot traffic — a marketing goal for most retailers.

The Renaissance gift card program can help merchants achieve greater sales volume and higher purchase amounts and can improve their customer loyalty. In addition, consumers who purchase gift cards from a merchant act as a walking advertisement and can greatly enhance awareness of that business establishment.

The Renaissance gift cards come in an assortment of styles or can be custom designed to meet the needs of the merchant. The cards can also be reloaded to fulfill the consumer’s preference for gift cards that they can continue to add money to — using it as a type of “budgeting tool.” This helps to enhance customer loyalty and offers merchants additional marketing and branding opportunities.